Monday, 4 March 2013

Coffee and Biscoff Muffins

I have joyfully managed to track down some more Lotus Biscuit Spread (aka Biscoff, though I don't know why) since I singlehandedly finished the jars I brought back from America last summer. We had 8 jars in the cupboard a mere 5 days ago. Now there are just 5. I did give one to a friend, but it doesn't negate the fact that 2 have already been consumed. Not quite all by me, I have allowed the gorgeous husband and the amazing sons to sample a little. Please understand that I have given up chocolate for Lent and you do not want to come between me and my Biscoff. 

My favourite way to eat this deliciousness was initially on a spoon cold from the fridge. Somehow a jar found its way into the microwave and I discovered that when warmed and runny it is possibly even more amazing. And provided the inspiration for some late night baking (ok, we're talking 8pm) yesterday. Coffee muffins topped with Biscoff Spread. The week is looking good with some of these to eat!

I used this recipe but upped the coffee a little as we like it strong. I also put a good dollop of the Biscoff in the middle before baking, and then simply spooned the melted spread over the top when the muffins had cooled. The gorgeous husband and the amazing sons have gone to work/school with one each. See, me being generous again and sharing. The rest are mine though. All mine.

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