Boy Food Friday or #bff in Twitterspeak is quickly becoming an institution in our house. I think it started over Christmas and New Year, and there seems to be no going back. It basically means that on a Friday I cook a meal that the males in the house will love even more than the usual fare they are served. This often means chips. I should probably point out that Sunday night is also Chip Night chez Chui. I'm now starting to think that our diet is not as healthy as I thought. Tonight I made Nigel Slater's toad in the hole with onion gravy and peas. We are now all "stuffed as a puff" and can't even manage the millionaire's shortbread I also rustled up earlier in the week. Success!
Please note the pyjamas and dressing gowns. These are essential for #bff - we have a very strict dress code. Slippers are acceptable.