I have a generous friend in London to whom I am forever indebted. A few years ago I spent 2 weeks in France on holiday and discovered the proper French macarons, indulging in them at the local patisseries whenever possible. I was distraught on my return to discover you can't get a decent 'macaron' in Nottingham, nothing, not even a whiff. So my generous friend sent me 24 of the delectable delights from Laduree at Harrods in the post. They were something else. I think I love macarons even more than wine, or cocktails or even chocolate. It is probably a very good thing they are not readily available here in Nottingham. I am still going to try making them, but am feeling very nervous about doing so hence my appalling procrastination. In gratitude to my generous friend I occasionally send him a parcel of yummies in the post that I have made. I posted one this morning - hope he enjoys it.