Friday, 20 April 2012

Pie and Peas

Well, it's Boy Food Friday in our house yet again. I decided to try another recipe from Dan Lepard's book Short & Sweet, and it didn't disappoint. Particularly the crispy pastry lid - no sogginess at our table thank you.

I made the chicken pie albeit with a few changes based on what I had in the fridge/cupboards/freezer. And served it with mushy peas. If Boy Food Friday is all about keeping the males in my house fed and happy, I think I succeeded!

I earned my pie and peas with a 10k (ok, 7 miles) run at lunchtime, including 3 trips up and down the infamous Park Steps to get my heart rate up. It's good to get back to my running, but I'm mostly pleased that I found the Steps and found my way home. Remembering new running routes is not a strength. This running poster sums up my day really rather well.


  1. Did you start with the chicken & leek pie with shortcrust pastry ? If so, can I also encourage you to try the cream cheese pastry (used to top the chicken & mushroom pies).

    Nothing there that a good run won't work off!
    Best wishes,
    David Whitehouse
    Editor, Short & Sweet.

    1. I actually made the cream cheese pastry and it was brilliant. I think the pies are the reason my husband bought the book for me in the first place! I fully intend to try the others too. And to keep running obviously. Thanks for the encouragement! And I hope I'm not guilty of the cut and paste issues you talk about on your blog. Clare

    2. Hi Clare,
      Far from it, I think you're doing exactly what we'd encourage people to do - write about their own lives and how what they bake fits into it, talking about recipes and giving links to them... and you have a tabby cat! (if you want to see our much-missed Webster, go to Dan's Facebook page or see
      this and scroll down till you find his attmept to become a "marmalade" cat.
